Karl from the Netherlands

Wir sind ein mitgliederbasiertes Forum. Das heisst: Jeder kann bei uns schreiben, wenn er sich offiziell hier bei uns vorgestellt hat. Schreib einfach kurz etwas über Dich und den Ampera.
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Beiträge: 2
Registriert: 9. Jan 2012 17:18

Karl from the Netherlands

Beitrag von Karl-NL »

Hi all,

My name is Karl and I am a technical guy from the Netherlands. I do speak german and can read it... but writing takes me 10x more time than writing english... I will try to work on that.

I will get an Opel Ampera the end of february (2012 I hope) and will be monitoring this forum on a regular base.

My previous cars are the Subaru Impreza WRX and the Volkswagen Golf V GTI so the Opel Ampera is a real step for me in the direction of going green :-)

You can follow me on Twitter if you wish @karldeboois (mainly in dutch or english) or read my (currently very empty) blog on WordPress: http://karldeboois.wordpress.com

I will be posting short movies on the Ampera on YouTube as well: http://www.youtube.com/user/karldeboois/videos


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